July 27, 2024

Six Important Facts About Common Skin Diseases

Six Important Facts About Common Skin Diseases

Psoriasis, also known colloquially as psoriasis, is a widespread skin disease. However, clarification is needed. We have collected the most important facts for you.

Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease. Image credit: Getty Images

Itchy, scaly red patches – For people unfamiliar with psoriasis, the skin condition can seem worrisome. Depending on the severity of the disease, severely affected sufferers have symptoms of chronic inflammatory disease.

It is estimated that about two out of every hundred people in Germany suffer from psoriasis. Of these, about 70 percent have limited skin involvement (so-called mild psoriasis) and about 30 percent have a moderate to severe form, the “Apotheken Omschau” report.

1. There are different types of psoriasis

According to the Mayo Clinic, an American nonprofit research organization, there are six different types of psoriasis:

Cortical psoriasis: According to experts, this type of disease affects up to 90 percent of people with this skin condition. It leads to dry, itchy, raised, scaly patches of skin called plaques. Most commonly, they are found on the elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.

Nail psoriasis: This type manifests itself on the fingers and toes. Inflammatory processes lead to abnormal nail growth. Nails change color, melt or even fall off.

Guttate psoriasis: It usually affects children and young adults. It’s caused by a bacterial infection, such as strep throat, and then leads to skin changes that appear as small, scaly, tear-shaped patches on the abdomen, arms, and legs.

Inverse psoriasis: This particular type of psoriasis mainly occurs in skin folds and body curves. It often appears as inflamed skin on the groin, breasts, or buttocks. Friction and sweating aggravate symptoms.

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Pustular psoriasis: This type of psoriasis is fairly rare. They appear as pus-filled blisters that appear either on a large area of ​​the body or in small areas of the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet.

Erythrodermic psoriasis: It is the rarest and most severe form of psoriasis. Erythrodermic psoriasis can cover the entire body with a scaly rash that may itch or burn.

2. Psoriasis is not contagious

Some people with symptoms of the disease wonder if the disease is contagious. But this concern is unfounded. “Psoriasis can cause discomfort to people who don’t have psoriasis because they think it can be passed on to them through contact,” the dermatologist said. Dr. Ife J RodneyFounding Director of Immortal Dermatology + Aesthetics, vs. Yahoo Live. “However, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. It is simply hereditary and there are no external factors that cause psoriasis.”

3. The differences between psoriasis and eczema

Eczema often causes inflamed, irritated and itchy skin. Eczema diseases usually present themselves as neurodermatitis or contact dermatitis, but they are different from psoriasis.

“Both conditions have some overlap, but they have different triggers, symptoms, manifestations, and causes,” Rodney explains. “Eczema has multiple triggers and can present as dry, red, itchy skin. It can also be localized if you’ve been in contact with an irritant—think poison ivy, jewelry, or harsh soap.”

The doctor said that eczema can cause mild itching, but it is persistent and chronic. In contrast, psoriasis accumulates into large red patches with silvery scales that can cover large areas of joints. “Psoriasis can be painful and even bleed when rubbed,” Rodney said.

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4. Psoriasis has distinctive features

Although the disease causes a rash-like appearance, the typical spots of psoriasis have a specific appearance. “Psoriasis tends to be more salmon pink to purple depending on skin type, with thick, silvery fish-like scales, and is classically found on the elbows, knees, navel, and buttocks,” he explains. Dr. Cindy WassefRobert Wood Johnson, assistant professor at Rutgers College of Medicine Yahoo Live.

Also, according to experts, affected areas are usually well defined, while eczema tends to have less defined borders around the rash.

5. Spots are formed from inflammation

In plaque psoriasis — which most people with psoriasis have — the plaques consist of “scaling dermatitis,” according to a New York dermatologist. Dr. Gary GoldenbergFounder “Goldenberg dermatologyAnd the Opposite Yahoo Live.

Wassef added that leather usually has a life cycle in which it matures from the underside to the surface of the skin. “In people with psoriasis, the cells in our skin go through the life cycle process too quickly and don’t have a chance to form properly. This leads to the characteristic psoriasis appearance.”

6. Psoriasis is incurable

“You can’t get rid of psoriasis because there is no cure,” Rodney says. “But there are treatment options that can minimize relapses, which is what we call remission.”

Treatments prevent skin cells from growing quickly and remove scales, according to “Mayo ClinicMild psoriasis can be treated with creams and ointments that contain steroids, vitamin D, and other compounds. For people with advanced psoriasis, injectable medications that reduce inflammation in the skin are “great treatment options,” Wassef says.

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Rodney says a combination of treatments, a healthy diet, a structured lifestyle, and skincare routines can also help.

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