July 27, 2024

Science: Are We Closer To “Dragon Man” Than Neanderthals?

Science: Are We Closer To “Dragon Man” Than Neanderthals?

In the end, does “Dragon Man” from China resemble more than Neanderthals? Harbin’s skull leads researchers to suspect this. A German anthropologist disagrees with this view.

at China She found that the skull could belong to a human lineage more closely related to modern humans than to Neanderthals. This is the result of an international research group led by Xijun Ni and Qiang Ji from Hebei Geo University in Shijiazhuang (China). Scientists even described the fossil in the journal The Innovation as representing a new species of hominid. However, this assessment will spark debate, says Jean-Jacques Hublin of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig.

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