July 27, 2024

Rapper Marteria takes a stand on the USA Incident

Rapper Marteria takes a stand on the USA Incident

Updated 4/20/2023 11:14 AM

German rapper Marteria was briefly in police custody at the end of March. Now the musician has commented on the incident – and speaks out about the false reports himself.

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German rapper Marteria He commented on his brief period of police custody in the United States. The Attorney General’s Office recently dropped a case regarding an alleged violent crime.

Now Marteria is taking a stand in an Instagram post and explaining what happened in the US.

Marteria explains: This happened in the United States

“Dear Ones, Three weeks ago, a friend and I had a loud argument in the United States, which — of which I am not proud — led to a police operation,” Martine Lasigny, his real name, began his statement.

The two would get back together after that, but the past three weeks have been extremely stressful for the couple. “Particularly because of the bias in the media,” Marteria says.

The two felt more relieved “because the US investigative authorities have dropped all allegations and stopped the proceedings.” There was no bail, no indictment, and “particularly no strangulation”.

He also explains: “We will not accept false reports and insults in the future and will take action against them.” In the end, the rapper asks his fans to respect the privacy of the couple. He now wants to focus on his music.

Case dropped

On March 30, Marteria was taken into custody in the United States by police in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Among others confirmed “bunte.de”.

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“The case has been dropped. And I can tell you that I am happy with this outcome,” defense lawyer Robert Dekortens of the dpa news agency said. “I am happy that my client has been rehabilitated,” he said on the sidelines of a court session. Marteria herself was not present.

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