July 27, 2024

Princess Madeleine: It’s late coming home

Princess Madeleine: It’s late coming home

the Royal family

Updated on 06/28/2023 at 7:27 PM

Princess Madeleine of Sweden originally wanted to go home with her family of five for the summer. But now their plans have changed, as announced by the Swedish Royal Palace.

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When the Swedish royal court announced the Annunciation in March, Princess Madeline Moving to Sweden from Florida with her family, the effort involved in moving may have been underestimated. Now it is as if it were King Carl XVI. Gustav and Queen Silvia will have to be patient for a while until they have their youngest daughter permanently with husband Chris O’Neill and their three children Leonor, Nicholas and Adrienne.

The transfer has been pushed back to 2024

said Margareta Torgren, Chief Royal Information Officer Swedish news portal “Expressen” On the current state of transfer plans: “According to the information I have, it will be delayed until 2024.” However, the plan still called for the family to move from the United States to Sweden.

But why didn’t the move take place this fall as planned? “The family’s time, with all that this move entails, has been very short,” the spokeswoman was quoted as saying. She did not comment further on the reasons for the delay. However, she confirmed that Princess Leonor, Prince Nicholas and Princess Adrienne will go to school and pre-school respectively in the US in the fall.

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Princess Madeleine will spend the summer in Sweden

But even though Princess Madeleine and her family’s move back in has now been postponed, that doesn’t mean they have to go without them in Sweden. According to Thorgren, the five plan to spend the summer at Madeleine’s home country. Perfect harmony with the next move?

The foundation of the new Life Center appears to have been repaired since March. In an official statement, the royal family announced a few months ago: “Her Royal Highness Princess Madeleine and Sir Christopher O’Neill will move to Stockholm with their children in August 2023.” The family will live permanently in an apartment in the royal stables in the Swedish capital.

The family last moved about five years ago: in the summer of 2018, Madeline and her young family left their adopted home in London to move to Florida. She met her husband, Chris O’Neill, while in New York, where the couple’s first daughter, Leonor, was born in 2014.

Also read: On the occasion of the seventh birthday: Madeleine of Sweden celebrates her son Nicholas
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