July 27, 2024

PH Thurgau invites you to The Long Night of Science

PH Thurgau invites you to The Long Night of Science


Combat robots: Thurgau University of Education has been invited to attend the Long Night of Science

Thurgau University of Education in Kreuzlingen set its own dialects for young and old when it participated in Saturday’s Long Flag Night for the first time.

Two boys compete in robot wrestling in the new Maker Space at Thurgau University of Education.

Photo: Inka Grabowski

“We are participating because we want to spread what Kreuzlingen offers to a wide range of educational opportunities.”

Thomas Niederberger, Mayor of Kreuzlingen.

Thomas Niederberger, Mayor of Kreuzlingen.

Photo: Inka Grabowski

This is what Mayor Thomas Niederberger said at the opening of the Long Night of the Flag at the Bodenseeforum in Constance. The promised TKB funds for the digital campus are another milestone on the road to development. There is still a need to offset cooperation between universities and the city.

Kreuzlingen can be considered a junior partner in the university scene if you just compare the numbers. 700 students here face 5,000 students at the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences of Technology, Economics and Design and about 11,000 at the University of Konstanz. However, Thurgaw University of Education (PHTG) didn’t have to hide with its “long night” show.

Chocolate from a 3D printer

Many visitors from Constance came across the border on purpose to see the PHTG inside and take advantage of the shows for children. Chocolate from a 3D printer, physical toys or learning to code with Blue Bots: everything can be experienced because here students learn the educational opportunities they have when they educate themselves.

The highlight for many was the visit to the new Maker Space. The large room is equipped with everything a developer’s heart desires – be it 5 or 50 years old. After a long period of planning and testing, it officially opened on Saturday evening. University President Sabina Larch says:

“We can keep the room open 24 hours a day, seven days a week – it will always be fully booked.”

Sabina Lacher, Dean of Education at Thurgau University.

Sabina Lacher, Dean of Education at Thurgau University.

Photo: Inka Grabowski

The kids have just made little robots and let them compete against each other on the stage. The room filled with laughter and cheers. “It makes you want to go to school and learn,” says Bjorn Maurer of the Maker Space team.

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