July 27, 2024

Online financial products are becoming more and more popular all over the world, and Germany is growing too

Online financial products are becoming more and more popular all over the world, and Germany is growing too

A global study by Qualtrics has shown a significant increase in interest in online financial products almost everywhere. German consumers have stated that they want to pay more bills online in the future and want to manage their bank accounts digitally. On the other hand, planned use of online money transfers decreased by 7 percentage points. This is evidenced by a representative study of global consumers in which consumers from 24 countries participated.


DrAccording to a representative global study conducted by Qualtrics in 24 countries with 24,000 participants, German consumers increasingly want to rely on digital solutions for financial products even after the pandemic. Respondents were asked if they expected to do 13 more, the same, or fewer activities online over the next few months.

On average, online activities are expected to increase in 23 out of 24 countries. The study shows that paying bills online is showing the most momentum: 41 percentage points of consumers expect to do so more often in the coming months. Overall, there was also a 41 percentage point increase in the intended online query of account balances. Globally, the planned use of online transmissions increases by 22 percentage points after the pandemic.

The epidemic as a catalyst for online financial products

However, compared to other respondents, German consumers show one of the lowest Internet dynamics. Sixty-one percent of German consumers would not like to change their payment behavior, but 32 percent would like to rely to some degree or more on online payment functions, and 33 percent want to use online banking more.

In the general comparison, German consumers were the least interested in digital transformation with an expected dynamism of 0%. This means that German consumers, on average, expect their online activities to remain unchanged for all activities.

German consumers are second in the world to check their account balance online, but they want to increase their online usage by 24 percentage points. 59 percent of those surveyed do not want to change their behavior regarding inquiries regarding account balance online.

When it comes to sending money to friends and acquaintances, the desire to do so via an online job drops by 7 percentage points among German consumers. However, the desire to make online conversions globally increased by 22 percentage points compared to the level at the time of the survey.

about studying

The Global Consumer Study of Online Financial Products, conducted in the third quarter of 2021, surveyed 24,000 consumers in 24 countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam.

More objective, detailed results can be found in Study English, which is available after providing contact details here It can be viewed for free.s

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