July 27, 2024

Nostalgic city builder leaves early access

Nostalgic city builder leaves early access

from Tim Rantzau
In October 2021, Silicon City, a city-building simulation that attempted to push the genre in a different direction, entered Early Access. After two full years, developer Polycorn released the game on Steam on June 22 and gave it a 15 percent discount.

After a good couple of years in Early Access, development studio Polycorne has actually managed to officially release the nostalgic Silicon City on June 22nd on Steam – including a new trailer. With Silicon City, players get a city building simulation with a lot of retro flair. Within the game, users also get a little lesson in human knowledge. Because in Silicon City, the focus is on the townspeople with their feelings and needs.

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Only if the player is content (that’s what the citizens are called in the game) and happy, will he be re-elected mayor of Silicon City. In addition, the city building game offers typical gameplay aspects, such as managing the budget for expenses and income, planning your scenarios and expanding and beautifying the city by taking a critical look at the electricity and water supply.

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In addition, Silicon City offers the player a short campaign with a strong educational theme. Once this is completed successfully, you can start building your own city from scratch. In addition, the player can change the map to a certain extent and choose between two different game modes (Sandbox and Classic) and difficulty levels. In Classic mode, the player starts with a limited amount of money and needs to increase the population of the city to unlock more buildings. Silicon City can be purchased on Steam at 15 percent off until June 29.

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source: polycorn