July 27, 2024

North stands behind Ukraine

North stands behind Ukraine

AWhen Volodymyr Zelensky stood next to Joe Biden in Washington last December, it was his first trip abroad since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. At that time, there was no doubt about the US president’s support for Kiev. Biden vowed that Ukraine would “never be on its own.” Bipartisan support in the United States is “ironclad” and lasts “as long as needed.” A year later it will be different.

Sophia Dreisbach

North American political reporter based in Washington.

Julian Stabe

Political correspondent for northern Germany and Scandinavia based in Hamburg.

On Tuesday, Zelensky and Biden tried to give their statements in Washington a positive tone. The Ukrainian president said during a press conference that he had “very useful” discussions in Congress. Biden talked about Vladimir Putin’s failure to take over Ukraine. It is a “triumph” that the country is still “free and strong” almost two years later. But there were several half-sentences from the US president that made it clear how serious the situation is regarding new, critical billions of aid to Ukraine.

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