July 27, 2024

No green light from UK

No green light from UK

Britons going on vacation to the Balearic Islands must remain in quarantine after their return. This means that the islands still lack an important group of vacationers

The Balearic Islands never again received the green light from Great Britain. This means Britons will still have to be in quarantine after returning home.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson justified this decision by the mutation of the Indian virus circulating in the United Kingdom.
The government of the Balearic Islands, hotel owners and airlines were anxiously awaiting the result, because the British are the most important group of vacationers on the islands after the Germans.

Great Britain has a system of traffic lights in which different countries are divided into “red”, “orange” and “green” depending on their frequency of occurrence.
The seven-day incidence rate in the Balearic Islands is less than 20.

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