July 27, 2024

“New era”: Truss speaks with confidence

“New era”: Truss speaks with confidence

“Whenever there is change, there are cracks,” Truss said Wednesday at the end of his Conservative Party conference in Birmingham. “Not everyone will be in favor. But everyone will benefit from the result – a growing economy and a better future.”

Truss stressed that there are three priorities for the UK economy: “growth, growth and growth.” She has a clear plan for that. Truss heralded a “new era” that was “in favor of stark growth”. There is no alternative. “I am ready to take the tough decisions. You can trust me to do what is necessary. We cannot give in to the voices of doom,” he said.

Truss’ plan to abolish the top tax rate sparked violent turmoil in financial markets. After heavy criticism from his own ranks, the head of government had to do a U-turn. He is now believed to be seriously injured.

The 47-year-old’s speech was interrupted by two demonstrators carrying a Greenpeace banner – “Who voted for this?” – Endured. Truss ordered security to evacuate the women from the room. There has also been criticism within the Conservative Party that some of Truss’s announcements are inconsistent with the Tories’ winning election platform in the 2019 general election.

Truss attacked an “anti-growth coalition” in which he counted opposition parties, “militant trade unions”, “Brexit deniers” and climate activists. He said they would run to the BBC and spread misinformation there. They have no idea. “We are the only party with a clear plan to move Britain,” Truss said.

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