July 27, 2024

Mountainbike-EM: Only Gold EM is important for a Metrowaller

Mountainbike-EM: Only Gold EM is important for a Metrowaller

It is very difficult to locate her after an injury, but the training went well. “I really wanted to come here, I want to participate in this race. And if things didn’t go the way I wanted, I wouldn’t put any pressure on myself for the World Cup. Then I have to accept that I was sick. It doesn’t mean I won’t be able to compete. Up front in the world championships. I have this in the back of my mind. “I’m a main character, if he wants the head, everything goes,” she said in an interview with APA.

“There aren’t many mountains in Munich, so the route is accordingly,” said Mitroulner, laughing. “But they’ve made the best of it and there are two upswings.” In fact, the course reminds her of Novi Sad last year when she became the European Under-23 champion. It will definitely be physically demanding, because you always have to be on the gas. “It feels like a short extended track, always pushing out from every corner. It will be a tough race. Of course, I would prefer the climb to be a minute or two longer.”

The fact that the men have already raced Friday on the 4.3 km track in Olympic Park and that there has been heavy rain since Thursday will have an impact on the underground. “Tomorrow the path could be a battlefield.” According to world ratings, Mitterwallner starts with number three from the front row, a long and wide climb is suitable for overtaking, but the second is not possible due to a narrow serpentine. With lines A and B, it is important to decide on the attack. “But basically the start, end and long ascent area has to be crossed.”

“I am happy when I push myself to the limit”

In its first elite year, Metrowalner has already taken three World Cup podiums, most recently in Canada finishing second behind Switzerland’s Yolanda Neff. The promotion, which has been approved by the UCI, means she will not be allowed to compete in any junior class in the future. “It was a big step for me to say I’m not trying to defend my U23 world and European titles. But what drives me is that I’m challenging myself. I’m not saying I’m going to start at U23 and I’m going to win, the riders are also at a massive level. But the elite is a different class and a challenge Larger “.

It was her decision and she is responsible for it. “I knew internally that being under 23 wouldn’t make me happy. I am only happy when I push myself to the limit and have to take everything out of myself. It is a very different race than racing in the elite. It never occurred to me this year that I would race alone as At U23. There’s always someone behind you, in front of you, and you always have to drive at the limit.”

Starting the Olympics in 2024 is the biggest goal

Metrowallner asked if what she should have been waiting for. “Now I’m excited, now I’m fast. I’m not interested in points that become easier in the Olympic U-23 ranking, I’m not interested in another title. Of course I want a title, but I want it at the top. If I don’t get to the Olympics in two years, something will go wrong anyway. If my level stays that way, I’ll be in the Olympics, there’s no doubt about it.” Corinna Druml will also be starting Austria in Munich, but not Laura Steiger, who has no exemption from the early switch from U23 to the elite class.

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