July 27, 2024

Lack of sleep increases the risk of MS, especially in the group

Lack of sleep increases the risk of MS, especially in the group

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from: Julian Gutman

Do you sleep poorly and too little? This affects your mental and physical health. When teens sleep little, their risk of developing multiple sclerosis increases.

Our cells renew while we sleep, the immune system is boosted overnight, and the mind and body recharge their batteries. Even one night without enough sleep leads to concentration problems, daytime fatigue, poor mood and irritability, which leads to increased susceptibility to infection. Significant sleep disturbances can reach the point where sufferers are no longer able to go about their daily lives without medication.

Sleep also plays an important role in disease. You often catch viral infections by seeking rest and sleeping a lot at the first symptoms. But when deep and long enough sleep reveals healing effects, lack of sleep can promote the development of diseases. Swedish researchers have come to the conclusion that lack of sleep in adolescents leads to the development of multiple sclerosis from an autoimmune disease.

Those who sleep poorly at night often suffer from daytime sleepiness. But lack of sleep can have more serious effects. © Imago

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Less than seven hours of sleep or more than ten?

Researchers led by Torbjörn Åkerstedt of Stockholm University write in: Stady. The Swedish research work has been published on the specialized portal BMJ Journals published. For their analysis, the scientists used the health data of 2,075 people with MS and compared their sleep behavior with that of people without the disease.

Participants of different ages were asked about their sleep patterns on work days, school days, weekends and other rest days. Briefly sleep duration Researchers determined less than seven hours a night, so that Medical Journal. The normal duration was seven to nine hours and a prolonged sleep phase of ten or more hours was given in the study.

Lack of sleep contributes to the development of multiple sclerosis

The researchers formulated the study findings as follows: “Compared with sleep duration of seven to nine hours per night in adolescence, short sleep (less than seven hours per night) was associated with an increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis. Similarly, subjectively poor sleep quality in adolescence Adolescence increases the risk of developing multiple sclerosis later on.

In fact, getting less than seven hours of sleep per night was associated with a 40% higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis in teens. Medical Journal from the study. This was the case after taking into account important influencing factors such as body mass index and smoking. The researchers were unable to identify an increased risk of developing MS with a sleep duration of more than ten hours.

Why does poor sleep trigger MS?

Researchers cannot rule out that lack of sleep is indeed a symptom of existing neurological damage Medical Journal. But it has been proven that lack of sleep negatively affects the immune system and inflammatory processes in the body. The authors concluded that “adequate restful sleep is a prerequisite for adequate functioning of the immune system, and thus could represent another important factor in the prevention of MS.”

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