July 27, 2024

Kay Pflum is unaffected by the whims of celebrities on ARD

Kay Pflum is unaffected by the whims of celebrities on ARD

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He presses

On the ARD quiz show “Who Knows Such a Thing?”, heads often turn. But in this case, the question led to a slight irritation from the guest. Broker Kay Pflum responded confidently.

HAMBURG – Although terms like “overweight” are becoming more common in society as a euphemism for being “overweight,” it is clearly quite acceptable in the animal world to describe some species as obese. Actor Rainer Schön (82) thinks this is vile and complains about science and the names it gives to groups of species on the ARD quiz show “Who Knows Such a Thing?” However, Superintendent Kay Pflum, 56, knows how to handle an outbreak.

A “popular” question from the animal scientist of Kai Pflaume's quiz show

But first things first: In the broadcast on April 4, Sean appeared with team partner Elton (53 years old), teammate Alexander Kluz (40 years old) and Bernhard Hoeker (54 years old). Schöne and Klaws have been working at Karl May Games in Bad Segeberg for several years. During the show, Sean and Elton face a question from the animal kingdom. This includes hedgehogs and moles that belong to the Eulipotyophla group. But what lies behind this cumbersome scientific term?

This is what the question comes down to. They both quickly rule out answer option (A), according to which Eulipotyphla means something like “really fat and blind.” “This sounds like a fairy tale. Hedgehogs are not blind at all and they are not fat either. No, I don't like that,” Sean explained. “Moles aren't fat either,” Sean explained. “Moles aren't fat either,” Elton added.

They eventually decided on a different answer that they both found more interesting. Accordingly, the term should apply to a common ancestor in the form of a species of ancient bear. “And if it's wrong, it at least makes sense,” Sean said.

After the solution, Rathegast complained, “Who knows such a thing?”

Whether that's true or not, a video explains that the word Eulipotyphla comes from Greek and translates as “really fat and blind.” In addition to hedgehogs and moles, the group also includes sloth weevils, shrews and the already extinct Caribbean shrew. “I think that's really mean!” Shawn said indignantly after the breakup. “I think calling it mole fat is really mean! Fucking science!” But Supervisor Kay Pflum responds to Sean's outburst in his usual calm manner: “That's just how nature is sometimes.”

Rainer Schön in
On the ARD quiz show “Who Knows Such a Thing?”, heads often turn. But in this case, the question led to a slight irritation from the guest. Broker Kay Pflum responded confidently. © Screenshot / ARD / “Who knows something like this?” & Screenshot / ARD / “Who knows something like this?”

Sean and Elton were eventually forced to admit defeat to the team of Klaus and Hooker in the final. They earned €4,934 for the audience. Recently, spectators boycotted the show, which is why Kai Pflum had to intervene. Sources used: “Who knows such a thing?”/ARD

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