July 27, 2024

Johnson’s air is thinning: Conservatives lose in polls after Partigate.

Johnson’s air is thinning: Conservatives lose in polls after Partigate.

The air for Johnson is getting thinner
Conservatives lose in opinion polls after Partigate

The headwind for Prime Minister Johnson is growing: After the emergence of several so-called lockdown parties, the opposition is now calling not only for his resignation but also for his friends in his party. Conservative citizens are being punished in recent opinion polls.

The Partigate case led by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has caused the ruling Conservative Party to gain its increased support. According to a polling institute YouGov commissioned by The Times, the opposition Labor Party’s lead over Johnson’s Conservative Party has grown to ten percentage points – the largest difference since December 2013. Some Conservative MPs, including Douglas Ross, the leader of the Scottish Party have called The Conservatives have already publicly announced the Prime Minister to step down.

Johnson apologized in the House of Commons on Wednesday for a garden party in Downing Street during the first coronavirus lockdown in May 2020. He assumed it was a business meeting. In the past, this was a mistake. Johnson’s office manager invited about 100 employees to the meeting via email and confirmed: “Bring your own alcohol.” The opposition demands the resignation of Johnson. The newspaper “Daily Mirror” on its front page described the prime minister as a “disgrace”.

As The Times reported, Johnson was defiant in his conversation with fellow party members. He personally did nothing wrong, as was said at a meeting. The newspaper commented that, with his apologies, Johnson bought time. However, the resistance within the party is great. “It is over. It is untenable and it is surprising how little support he has within the group,” the newspaper quoted a cabinet member as saying.

Johnson has not specifically ruled out resignation. He asked to wait for the outcome of the ongoing internal investigation into several of the parties suspected of closure in Downing Street. The 57-year-old has been the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom since July 2019.

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