July 27, 2024

Hands-on science on a long night of research

Hands-on science on a long night of research

Artificial Intelligence, Pharmaceuticals and Digitization: In the long night of research, stakeholders and scientists gathered for dialogue.

On Friday evening, 12 participating institutions opened their doors at eight exhibition sites. Under the slogan “Share. Discover. Marvel”, visitors were given an insight into Salzburg’s research. About 600 researchers from Salzburg presented their work and field to the public on Friday evening and were available to answer all kinds of questions. Complex topics are rounded out through interactive experiments, workshops and hands-on stations. Of particular interest were the social robot and sensor bike at the Salzburg Research Center as well as the forgery workshop and closed bookstore at the Mozarteum University.

At the private university of Schloss Seeburg the issue of sustainable and comfortable vacation was investigated, while at the University of Salzburg they were able to search for real and fake photos. At the Paracelsus Private Medical University there was a surgical robot and those interested could sequence DNA.

About 6,300 visitors benefited from the offer. Organizers say it was a “huge success.”

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