July 27, 2024

Get out of the UK.  The government wants to proceed with the independence referendum.

Get out of the UK. The government wants to proceed with the independence referendum.

Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon took to the podium to address the press.

Photo: Keystone

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced that she intends to maintain Scotland’s exit from the United Kingdom, regardless of the outcome of proceedings before the Supreme Court. Sturgeon wants to hold a referendum on this in October 2023.

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced that she intends to maintain Scotland’s exit from the United Kingdom, regardless of the outcome of proceedings before the Supreme Court. Sturgeon wants a referendum on this in October 2023, which the Conservative British government in London rejects. On Tuesday, hearings begin in the Supreme Court on whether the semi-autonomous Scottish government can hold an independence referendum without government approval in London.

On Sunday, Sturgeon said if her Edinburgh-based government lost the case, it would make Britain’s next general election a de facto referendum on ending the political union with England that has existed since 1707. The first minister did not say how that might be done. A vote without the consent of the UK government would not be legally binding.

The choice should be up to the people

If the courts block a referendum, the case will be brought to the people for a vote, said the SNP leader, “otherwise we will abandon Scottish democracy”. This should be your last resort, which is not what you strive for. “I want a legal referendum,” she said.

In 2014, Scottish voters rejected independence in a referendum by 55% to 45%. The Sturgeon government argues that the UK’s exit from the European Union and the coronavirus pandemic have created new realities in politics and business, so the issue must be reconsidered. In the Brexit referendum, the Scots, unlike the British as a whole, spoke explicitly in favor of remaining in the EU.

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