July 27, 2024

Foodwatch criticizes the Greens’ agreement for SITA with Canada

Foodwatch criticizes the Greens’ agreement for SITA with Canada

DrThe Greens are awaiting a discussion of their stance on free trade. While business associations criticize the Greens for not wanting to ratify the Ceta agreement negotiated with Canada, the NGO Foodwatch criticizes the fact that the party is now agreeing to parts of the agreement to be implemented temporarily.

“The Greens want to secretly bid farewell to their earlier rejection of Sita,” said Foodwatch. “The party leadership supports a trade agreement that abolishes parliamentary oversight and unleashes corporate interests.” Foodwatch is calling for a change in Ceta’s clause in the Greens’ election manifesto at the party convention in mid-June. Party members can put forward amendments until April 30.

The draft election statement read: “We have major criticisms of the SITA agreement. So we do not want to endorse the Ceta agreement in its current version, but leave it with the currently applicable parts in place.” In 2015 and 2016, the Green Party supported protests against Ceta and TTIP, the agreement. Failed with America, and opposed a pronounced initial application.

After Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, some Greens began to rethink, and some lamented their hard-line rejection. The green request to renegotiate Ceta and TTIP turned out to be unrealistic.

Ceta went into effect in the fall of 2017, but the parts that fall under the sole responsibility of the European Union will apply for the time being: tariffs will not apply to many products, standards and approval procedures will be harmonized. Investment protection, among other things, is excluded from the application. The arbitral tribunals, which adjudicated investor cases, were a major point of contention in the Battle of Seta.

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