July 27, 2024

Eurostar trains have been canceled due to tunnel flooding near London

Eurostar trains have been canceled due to tunnel flooding near London

Due to flooding in several tunnels near London, a number of train trips from Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam to London were cancelled. Shortly before the end of the year, trains run.

Passengers gather at the Eurostar terminal at St Pancras International station after train services were suspended due to a flooded tunnel in London.

Belinda Jiao/Reuters

(dpa) After problems in flooded railway tunnels near London, trains between the European continent and the British capital returned to running again on Sunday. The operator Eurostar announced on Saturday evening that the flood had been brought under control. However, there may be delays in the morning due to speed limits. In addition, train stations are likely to be very crowded on New Year's Eve.

Due to flooding of railway tunnels near London, all train services between the European continent and the British capital were canceled on Saturday. Throughout the day, the operating company Eurostar gradually canceled all flights from Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam to London and in the opposite direction.

This was the second time in ten days that Eurostar trains were affected by serious disruption. Eurotunnel workers went on strike just before Christmas.

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