July 27, 2024

Erasmus in the UK despite Brexit?

Erasmus in the UK despite Brexit?

reading time: 2 minutes

January 31, 2020. On that day, the United Kingdom not only left the European Union, but also concluded its exit from the Erasmus mobility programme. You can read here how a study visit to the UK can be successful and what you should consider.

Writing your term paper on the beach or preparing your presentation in the library overlooking the Eiffel Tower: anyone who wants to travel abroad with an Erasmus program while studying will be spoiled for choice when looking at the University of Bonn’s partner universities. Well, almost: The United Kingdom – made up of the countries of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – has remained on the sidelines since Brexit, much to the dismay of many students.

KCan I still do a semester abroad in the UK despite Brexit?

Since then, many have wondered whether Erasmus’ residency in the British Isles is still possible. The answer is yes. “Despite Brexit, it is still possible to undertake Erasmus exchanges with many partner universities in the UK,” the University of Bonn wrote on its website. website.

Erasmus in the UK: less funding, more paperwork

So far, so good. However, regulatory hurdles have become much higher. Anyone studying in the UK for longer than six months, i.e. more than one semester, needs a student visa. Cost: £363, just under €420. In addition, regardless of the length of your stay, you are not allowed to work at the same time, otherwise you risk deportation.

In addition, the monthly financing amount remains the same as before and is very small at €450. The UK is also among the countries with the highest costs of living. It is funded at €600 per month in the 2022/23 academic year – a difference of €150. Study visits to Cambridge and Oxford are only funded at €600 per month.

Bonn partner universities in the United Kingdom

Overall, it’s fun University of Bonn There are still 17 agreements in place at eleven UK universities (as of May 2023) – almost all of which are still Erasmus+ funded.

Is anyone wondering how Erasmus residency is still possible now that the Kingdom has withdrawn from the Erasmus Mobility programme? The new Erasmus program period begins in 2022, with 20 percent of financial resources allocated to residencies worldwide. The money is now also flowing to the United Kingdom, which is now considered a third country.