July 27, 2024

Cute in animation: Your dog and cat behave like best friends

Cute in animation: Your dog and cat behave like best friends

Shouldn’t dogs and cats be able to stand together? This cute couple proves the opposite on TikTok and inspires millions of viewers.

Canada – dogs And the the cats Shouldn’t they be able to stand each other? This sweet couple proves to be real Tik Tok On the contrary, which pleases millions of viewers.

Cat Conan and his canine best friend Sarge cuddle with each other and make animal lovers’ hearts beat faster. © instagram.com/morkiebaby

The current video of the cute duo has already collected 6.7 million views and over 1.7 million likes within a single day on TikTok.

By doing Clip des Users “thatdoggosarge” You can see little Canadian Morkie Sarge and cat Conan lying on the bed together. At first the two looked at each other’s faces, but then the dog turned around and simply fell on his animal friend.

Conan immediately welcomes his friend, wraps his velvet paws around his saddle and begins licking his fur. Then the two of them lay there in a spoon setting, as if there had never been a quarrel between the dogs and the cats.

It is clear that young animals can not only whisper and bark to each other, but they can also get along well with each other.

Check out the two viral video for yourself! And don’t worry: there are a lot more loving entries for the two for you to see than her own Instagram- And TikTok there are countless clips and pictures of the cute couple.

In addition to the millions of “I love” hearts, there are also nearly 15,000 enthusiastic fan comments under the hug video on TikTok.

In the posts, many users not only write how cute they are to Sarge and Conan, but they also write that they are a little jealous that their animals don’t get along well with each other. Here are some examples:

  • “My heart just burst, that’s so cute!”
  • “The dog just wanted to be the teaspoon.”
  • “Oh, how cute it is, I hope my dog ​​and cat get along well.”

Before going viral, “thatdoggosarge” videos typically only got a few thousand views. Now the Little Dog and Cat are almost as popular so more animal clips are sure to follow in the future.

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