July 27, 2024

British Prime Minister visits Saudi Arabia |  abroad

British Prime Minister visits Saudi Arabia | abroad

Crude Oil – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pressured Saudi Arabia to increase oil production amid turmoil in energy markets due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

After the meeting on Wednesday, Johnson said he had a very productive discussion in Riyadh with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. However, Johnson has not announced any specific commitments from his host.

Johnson is one of the few Western leaders to have visited Riyadh since the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018. The British prime minister justified the meeting on the need to prevent an energy crisis.

At the same time, he emphasized that he had addressed the UK’s concerns about the ongoing human rights problems. On Saturday, 81 people were executed in Saudi Arabia, more than in the whole of last year.

Johnson hopes that oil-rich Arab countries will increase oil production to prevent oil prices from rising again and reduce Western countries’ dependence on Russian oil.

In addition to Saudi Arabia, the British Prime Minister also held talks in the United Arab Emirates. Johnson said both countries are key international partners in the international community’s efforts to move away from Russian oil and gas.

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