July 27, 2024

A new feature begins at Zurich Airport

A new feature begins at Zurich Airport

Innovations include Live view For interiors: With the help of augmented reality and Street View recordings, Live View now also navigates through airports, train stations, and shopping malls. Zurich Airport will be the first airport in the world to introduce the feature in the next few months. to Stephan Gross, Commercial Director of Flughafen Zürich AG: “We are delighted to work with Google Maps and be the first airport to offer an indoor live view to our passengers and customers. We believe the new feature will help our guests getting to Zurich making it easier to find the airport on your way, as well as providing us with a seamless travel experience.”

Navigate with Live View for interiors

We all know the moment when you suddenly realize that you are accidentally going the wrong way – Live View uses AR signals to avoid this. Live View is powered by a technology called Global Localization, which uses AI to scan tens of billions of Street View footage to understand what to look for on the go. Thanks to new developments that help determine the exact height of objects inside the building, Live View can now also be used in buildings where you can quickly lose track of things: in airports, train stations, and shopping malls, Google writes. Live View can help you find the nearest elevator and escalators, the correct gate, platform, baggage claim, check-in or box office, restrooms, ATMs, and more. The arrows and accompanying tips show you the right way.

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Plan ahead to get more information about weather and air quality

With new weather map details, you can quickly see the current and forecast temperature and weather conditions in an area – you’ll never have to stand in the rain without a parachute again. Unfortunately. Details of the new air quality map show how clean (or polluted) the air is – information that’s especially useful for those with allergies. Data from partners like The Weather Company, AirNow.gov and the Central Pollution Board will flow into these map details, which will be published on Android and iOS in the coming months. Weather map details will be available worldwide, and air quality information will be initially provided in Australia, India and the United States of America, with other countries to follow.

With the new weather map details, you can see the current and forecast temperature and weather conditions in the area. But the air quality is also shown.

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