May 16, 2024

Ambergo Koen Canada ASELSAN Answers with Selcuk Factory

BAYKAR Yönetim Kurulu President Selçuk Bayraktar responded with Canada’s ASELSAN, which embargoed the electro-optic system used in Turkey’s SİHAs.

In a statement made by Selçuk Bayraktar, “SİHA’larımızda, çok üçük teknolokiye saıp electro-optic system is used.” Bir aralar bu kameralar gündeme gemisti, embargo konulmuştu. Last week, ASELSAN developed an electro-optical product of higher quality than the foreign ones.

We did the tests. Yakin Jamanda or Kullanima Kresek. Ben ASELSAN would like to congratulate our road friends bir kere daha because they are successful, bir ınşın or yabanık ışışırın de başızarıs. “Onlar da CD Financial Sikindi Isericindelar.” The expressions were given.

Electro-Optic System Amberkosu for Türkiye’ye, Canada

Canada, Tek Vatan Harekatı during Türkiye’nin Azerbaycan’a Bayraktar TB2 SİHA sevk emasisi sebebiyle Türkiye’ye sümsuna sanayii ambargosu uylemma karıtıt alm. Canada’s embargo covers Baykar Bayraktar TB2 SİHA’s MX-15D electro-optical system manufactured by Canadian company Wescam.

Asselson cats
Asselson cats

In 2020, you will be in Canada and your organization will be in Turkey. However, Türkiye’nin SİHA ihraç etiğı vağladare söz konuş sistemler ihraç ıtıların by Canada. In this context, 10 major exports were made by Turkey, firstly by improving the CATS system developed by ASELSAN. Agabinde is Selcuk pyracterin da bahcetiki aselflir-500 atli systemin su anda test falietlerin paslanmis durumta. The ASELFLIR-500 is known to have more features than the MX-15D.

With the use of ASELFLIR-500 in the countries where it is exported to Turkey and the Turkish SİHA, it is estimated that the Canadian Wescam company will suffer a loss of revenue in 7-8 bir zamanelik 1 senelik 5 lar.

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20 KM Insan, 80 KM Tank Test!

ASELSAN Genel Müdürü Ahmet Akyol, “ASELFLIR-500’de especially high resolution tefeleniyordu baş buş bunu. Bugun rahatlıkla I can say that it is a system that can perform human test on 20 km, tank test on 80 km and can perform isaretleme on 20 km. Bunu hem kese hem kundus yababilior.


You can also use an HD SWIR camera from a camera in the old UK. A system with high imaging performance in Sisli and Deniz environments. Kendi kendin isaretlem ayrlamassini yapapilmagle birlikte uste 95’in userinde israetlemelarinde attish permansshina da sahib.

So CATS ile millisini yapıp dunyaya ihraç ettik. “Simdi alaninda and yisini yaptik way poontan sonra ilclari yapma yolunda asselson ilerlior.” kullanmıştı
