May 10, 2024

The Call of Duty League has now left Europe entirely – Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Activision appears to be facing a major challenge to wow European audiences with the Call of Duty League, or at least that’s what the rebranding and team moves suggest.

After the Paris Legion moved to Las Vegas before the start of last season, the London Royal Ravens have also left Europe and are instead moving to the USA, now known as the Carolina Royal Ravens.

It’s a rather strange rebranding process, as the team was known as the Royal Ravens due to their location in the host city of the British monarchy and due to the history associated with British royalty and the crows living in the Tower of London. Now the team is keeping the Queen part as they move to Carolina, which is also considered the Queen City, but as far as the Ravens part is concerned, it now appears they are grasping at straws a bit.

“We are thrilled to announce that we will be bringing our Royal Ravens to the Queen City, Charlotte, N.C. The next chapter of the Royal Ravens will be fueled by the energy, culture and resilience of the Carolinas.

“We would like to thank all our fans in London. From hosting your first CDL Major in 2020 to this moment, your passion for our team and the games we have played is unparalleled. We will always be grateful for the four years we have flown the UK flag and for the support you have given us.

“From the United Kingdom to the Queen City, we are all Royal Crows.”

What do you think about this rebranding?