July 27, 2024

Current data on German foreign trade

Current data on German foreign trade

You can find data on exports of goods and trading partners in the GENESIS database.Connected About tables Export and import of goods (51000). Information on the classification of goods according to commodity codes can be found in the List of Goods of Foreign Trade Statistics. Before you start retrieving values ​​in the database, you have the option of specifying a specific item number.

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In the field of foreign trade, the data generally relate to trade in goods.

Data on the export and import of goods and services is collected and published by the German Central Bank. It is included in the national accounts under external contribution or. Use of GDP.

Information on German foreign trade is included in the Balance of Payments published by the Bundesbank.

The area of ​​collection of foreign trade statistics includes the Federal Republic of Germany. Results by federal state are available in the Genesis-Online database Export and import tables Before (51000-0030 to 51000-0037). However, there is no deeper regional breakdown.

Users of foreign trade statistics expect the mirror-image results in foreign trade between the two countries to be essentially the same. However, in practice, different scanning and publishing concepts can lead to deviations. Registration errors on the part of persons required to provide information, such as details of different partner countries in triangular trade, indirect imports (Rotterdam effect), or problems with classification of traded goods in the Goods List of Foreign Trade Statistics can also be responsible for discrepancies in bilateral trade.

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By linking foreign trade statistics reports to the Commercial Register, foreign trade results according to company characteristics are also available (so-called “TEC data” –Trade according to the characteristics of the enterprise) can be displayed.

The results of individual companies are not published for data protection reasons.

A total of six consecutive monthly reviews are conducted for each reporting month. The final final review of results takes place in October of the following year. Then the results are considered final.

The list of goods of foreign trade statistics corresponds to Chapters 01 to 97 of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) of the European Union (EU). The results for 8-digit commodity codes in these quarters are therefore comparable across the EU. Chapters 98 and 99 also contain the commodity figures used by German Foreign Trade Statistics.

The CN number is based on the World Customs Council’s Harmonized System (HS) of 2, 4 and 6 digits and is used almost all over the world, where 2 indicates the separation of goods, 4 indicates the HS position and 6 – Counsel symbolizes the subheading HS .