May 9, 2024

Faith and science go hand in hand

In episode twenty-nine of the “Catechism Podcast,” pastoral theologian Andreas Wolbold explains why faith and science can coexist without contradictions. Faith and knowledge both originate from God. According to Walbold, the truth that pervades both is indivisible.

Two parts of one truth

Some claim that there is a strong discrepancy between the truths of faith and scientific knowledge. Thus, the truth is divided into “the truth of faith” and “the truth of science.” But in fact they are one. Nothing that science discovers can shake faith. On the contrary: science deepens faith, explains Andreas Wolbold.

For example, if science claims that the Earth could not be created in seven days, then this does not contradict the creation story. The structure of creation is a model of the structure of human life, but it is not a temporal picture. Genesis says that creation is the work of God. He created the laws of nature and all temporal processes by which the world could unfold according to his plan. Wollbold believes that as science advances, we can marvel more at God’s ingenious creation. Thus, deepening faith through science can be achieved.

In the end, faith prevails over science. We cannot scientifically understand such a thing as the resurrection of Jesus. Herein lies the omnipotence of God who is able to accomplish very impossible things. Because God, the creator of science, is at the same time the master of it. dt / dew