April 29, 2024

Pollen Journey: Mold in Allergies with Severe Symptoms

Pollen Journey: Mold in Allergies with Severe Symptoms

  • toYasmine Farah


Pollen often flies in the fall. In the wet, allergy sufferers are spared. Only mold spores can cause problems.

This fall seems to be falling into the water. Instead of golden time with its colorful leaves, it rained continuously in many places in Germany in September. The gloomy weather spoils the mood for some, but those who are allergic to pollen will be happy. High levels of precipitation and cold weather with the first heavy snowfall in the Alps make pollen count difficult.

Current Pollen Count: Mold can cause severe allergy symptoms

Under these tough conditions, fewer pollen are able to get out of their flowers and travel long distances, according to the German Pollen Information Service. Although one could measure individual weeds, stinging nettles and ventral pollen, they were extremely tiny. This is in contrast to the spores of mold fungi, from which bad weather obviously has little effect.

Mold spores under the microscope: Cool, damp autumn weather doesn’t stop them from flying.

© Science Photo Library / Imago

Accordingly, researchers at the Pollen Foundation were able to record high levels of Cladosporium spores at some measuring stations in West Germany. These symptoms are currently likely to cause allergic symptoms in sufferers. After all, mold spores are among the top allergens after pollen, house dust, and animal hair.

Other known species are Alternaria and Epicoccum. However, the first’s flight is said to slow again and is only intermittent, warns the Pauline Foundation. The situation is different with Epicoccum spores. Experience has shown that its pollen count will last for a while Large amounts of germs can last into November measured in the outside air.

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Current Pollen Count: Mold allergy is similar to hay fever

Another mold that spores feel especially at home in humid conditions is columnar fungus (Basidiomycota). There is little empirical data on basal spores in this country, when they fly and in what quantity. However, small spores should fly especially in late summer/early fall and even in large concentrations in wet and cool weather.

They move through the air and eventually settle on walls and furniture like dust. If it is moist and warm, this provides the mold with an ideal nutritional medium. Mold allergy symptoms are similar to house dust mite allergy or hay fever. This includes:

  • Red, itchy, watery, or burning eyes
  • sneezing and runny nose (runny nose)
  • stuffy nose
  • Cough

Finally, nonspecific symptoms such as headache, fatigue, and malaise can occur and should be checked by a doctor.

Rule list image: © Science Photo Library / Imago