May 8, 2024

The neutrino sensation has yet to be confirmed - the spectrum of science

The magnetic moment of the muon is still a mystery

However, the calculations are still preliminary and can differ if applied outside the current window. »Wir wissen noch nicht, ob die Gitterergebnisse anderer Kollaborationen mit dem BMW-Ergebnis für die erweiterte Berechnung übereinstimmen«, sagt Aida El-Khadra, Theoretikerin an der University of Illinois Gillinois in Urbana-Chamfallbeig-an-DietArupe he is.

In addition, the experimental result of “Muon g-2” is still higher than the value calculated by the QCD network, so it is too early to conclude that the standard model was correct all along. Researchers at the Fermilab experiment expect to publish an updated value of the magnetic moment next year, but “even if the gap between the theoretical prediction and the experiment was smaller – even half as large – one would still be a clear deviation”, says physicist Mainz Hartmut Wittig.

“It’s hard to imagine that all the network simulations we ran were wrong”(Christopher Oppen, theoretical particle physicist)

Und auch wenn am Ende die Gitter-QCD und die experimentellen Messungen auf denselben Wert kämen, müssten die Forschenden immer noch erklären, warum das Konsenspapier von 2020 so danebenlag, sagt Sven Heinemeyer, Teinsi the Laborekürklerp ER in Switzerland.

For now, scientists can only scratch their heads. “It’s hard to imagine that all the network simulations were wrong,” says Christopher Oppen. But he says it’s also hard to imagine all the data-driven calculations for 2020 going wrong.

However, it is already clear that a grid QCD will have a significant impact on the muon’s magnetism issue, says Giusti. “These calculations are really exciting, and whatever the answer is, it’s going to be crucial.”

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