May 6, 2024

Many people suffer from lack of sleep

Many people suffer from lack of sleep

What can people do to get more sleep?
Everyone can take back control of their sleep and make their night’s rest a higher priority. Everyone can try in the evening to feel their own needs, drop by, and yes, maybe drink a good wine with it (but not every evening!). It starts with the day: You should spend some time in broad daylight, incorporate some exercise into your daily life and pay attention to your caffeine consumption. What also works wonders: A short back nap. Anyone can learn that.

You have to explain this briefly.
Ideally, a short nap should occur between noon and 3 pm, and last between 10 and 15 minutes, not more than that later. Many say, “I can’t nap, so I can’t take a nap.” What you need to know: It’s all about light sleep. It is completely normal to not be sure whether or not you have slept. 60 percent of people who are tested see after a short nap that they have not slept at all. But they did. The trick is that you shouldn’t aim for sleep, but rather rest. Then the hurdle is much less. Just close your eyes and be careful – and let that happen. It takes three months between “I can’t take a short nap” to the level of “I’m sleeping well fast.” Six months later, everyone was actually one Ninja napIt can fall asleep within a minute and wake up on its own.