July 27, 2024

WordPress 5.9 with better block themes and slow loading

WordPress 5.9 with better block themes and slow loading

With its update to version 5.9, WordPress not only brings more themes, but also ‘bundled themes’ that allow completely editing the site, laying the foundation for new possibilities. In addition to extending the scope of functionality in the Gutenberg editor and improving performance, there are also new bindings – with which developers can bind and execute specific places in the code – and queries for editing databases.

WordPress remains true to its traditions: this time there is a new standard theme, which is named after the New Year. The “Twenty-Two” block theme allows editing the entire site for the first time – block themes basically provide some kind of framework, after which the rest of the design must be realized by the user with the help of Gutenberg blocks.

Meanwhile, the Gutenberg editor’s block functionality has been advanced so far that users with the new WordPress version can only insert different content such as text, images, or galleries. It is also possible to access all page elements such as the header area with navigation menus, the page banner or the footer area – page templates can also be designed in this way. The response in the community is divided in this regard: while one group looks forward to the new possibilities, the other fears the problems that inexperienced users can cause with the full editing of the site.

Twenty-Two also brings dozens of new dynamic content upload templates. This eliminates traditional design options such as customization tools, widgets, menus, etc. All areas are controlled or modified by templates. For classic themes users, nothing changes in this area with the update. Changes only apply when a block attribute is used.

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WordPress 5.9 promises to improve performance, especially through improved lazy loading. Lazy loading has been a part of WordPress since version 5.5. With this technology, images and iFrames on a website load with a delay: only when they move to the visible area of ​​the screen. Implementation of this technology has greatly improved WordPress performance in the front end area.

By itself, this delayed loading is a useful function, especially on devices with smaller screens, as it prevents unnecessary downloading of components. However, it is precisely this loading behavior that causes problems in certain scenarios. For example, a transition page or a single page consisting of several images. It makes sense here to load all the graphics at the same time, because loading delays are annoying when creating a single pager.

But there are other ramifications, too: the default setting to load all images with a delay performed poorly on the LCP scale (Biggest fee guaranteed). Google defines this as “the time to display the largest visible image or block of text in the viewport, relative to the first page load”.

The LCP lagging issue is addressed by a fix in WordPress 5.9. This fix prevents late loading of images over the visible area. In addition, the first image in content = “lazy” is not loaded. While this fix is ​​only a smash hit at the moment, it is based on testing done on 50 common topics. There have been huge improvements From performance, it sometimes reaches 30%. By introducing lazy loading and support for the WebP graphics format, WordPress has greatly improved loading time in most cases. The current innovation will lead to another increase in performance.

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WordPress 5.9 introduces new templates for the Gutenberg editor and improvements to existing blocks. The navigation template, which can now be designed with great flexibility, deserves a special mention. It will most likely be used in the context of new block attributes.

Expanding the gallery block is fun for all users. Here, individual images within the gallery are now treated on par with individually listed images. This means that users can design the galleries very individually and that the images inside the gallery can also “behave” differently. Until now, it was only possible to provide information that was then applied to all images.

WordPress 5.9 also brings files New hooks, functions and the language key on the login screen. It can also Ability Inquiries They are used to find users with certain rights – for example, to filter users who are able to edit certain types of posts. As always there is one A complete list of what’s new in wordpress.org.


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