July 27, 2024

What you can plant now and what you can't

What you can plant now and what you can't

Get into the garden – it's time to worry about your plants. Image: Shutterstock

Finally back to the park! Digging in the dirt and tending to your plants can be very good for your mind. We'll show you what you can plant in April and what's better to wait for.

Julia Newcome

Garden fever has broken out again! At least with Watson. Everyone talks about plants. Our sports journalist Adrian Burgler was so obsessed with plants that he had several kilograms of garden soil delivered to Watson's office instead of his home. Fortunately, he noticed this shortly before delivery and we didn't have to do any group gardening in the office.

I admit I caught the plant bug too and started the major repotting process last weekend. To get you excited about gardening too, here's an overview of what you can plant in April.

You can plant this in April

Temperatures look good and the weather allows you to start gardening in April: planting and growing vegetables, planting fruit trees and other trees, and fertilizing plants. A number of vegetables and herbs can be planted this month, and whoever plants flowers in April will be happy with a colorful garden in the summer.


You can grow these vegetables this month:


Image: Watson

Since temperatures can vary greatly in April and early May, eggplant, cucumbers, squash, watermelon, peppers, beans, tomatoes, zucchini, and sweet corn should be planted. Only mid/end of May You plant.

Most of these vegetables can also be grown in raised beds – especially heat-loving plants such as tomatoes and peppers. It is best to grow asparagus or rhubarb outdoors.

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It was already possible to plant apple and pear trees last fall. For cold-sensitive fruit trees, this is the ideal time to plant them. The roots can strengthen and develop until the winter so that they can survive the cold season.

Fruit trees and berry bushes should be fertilized every few years with well-seasoned compost or mature manure.
Alternatively, fruit and berry compost can also be used.

These types of fruits can be planted in April:


Image: Watson

Cold protection

The Ice Saints are still coming (11.05 to 15.05). For sensitive plants, you should have protective films ready for cold nights.

If you cannot protect the fruit from late frosts, you should start by planting to be on the safe side Until the end of May It can be waited.


With the help of herbs, even a simple meal can be turned into a special one. The aromatic scent should also return to the garden. Now is the time to take care of the herbs on the “balconies”.

These are the herbs you can grow now:


Image: Watson

Most herbs like sunny to partial shade. Mediterranean herbs in particular need at least a half-full day of sun.

Plants are considered annuals if they reproduce only once in a growing season and then die. Dill, chamomile, coriander and nasturtium, for example, belong to this category. As a general rule, annual and perennial grasses prefer to remain alone and should not be grouped together. This also makes sense, as many short-lived species prefer to change their location every year.

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Basil is the most hardy annual herb because it can provide its neighbors with protection against pests and fungal diseases due to the essential oils it contains.

But be careful! Frost-sensitive herbs such as basil or lemon verbena work best Only after the Ice Saints planted.

These plants help with biodiversity

A little green can be created in even the smallest spaces. So-called “urban gardening” is becoming increasingly popular in cities. On the balcony in a pot, in a balcony box or in a raised bed – not only do people enjoy the herb and vegetable garden, such places are also essential for insects.

In Switzerland, their voices are loud Pro Natura 60 percent of insects are endangered or potentially endangered. Humans are responsible for this drastic decline in species. The main reasons for this loss are the following:

  • Urban expansion and infrastructure
  • Habitat destruction
  • Environmental pollution of soil, water and air
  • Increase in invasive alien animal and plant species
  • Climate change

To promote biodiversity, you can also help in your garden or balcony. You can support butterflies, bees, and other insects with these plants:


Image: Watson

The situation for wild bees in Switzerland is dire: 35 percent of the 627 species are threatened with extinction. More than nine percent (57 species) are already considered extinct.

If you still have free space on your balcony, you can also get nesting aids for wild bees:

Source: Pro Natura

Source: Pro Natura

The wild bee nesting aid can be placed in a place protected from wind and rain. Such measures are absolutely essential to provide effective, long-term protection for wild bees – especially endangered species.

Need more tips? Then you can get the best gardening hacks here:

Garden transformation


Garden transformation

Source: Imgur

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