July 27, 2024

What helps against allergy symptoms in winter – healing practice

What helps against allergy symptoms in winter – healing practice

Tips against winter allergy indoors

suffer in the winter itchy eyesAnd the Runny nose Or sore throat? Do you often cough, sneeze and breathing difficulties a? Then, in addition to respiratory diseases can also inner sensitivity be the cause of your symptoms. Experts explain what can help those affected.

Allergens are not found outside only in trees or in lawns. The house can also contain many allergens, such as mold, pet allergens, or dust mites. And those allergic to it usually experience more symptoms in the cold season, because then we spend more time indoors. Some tips from the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and ImmunologyACAAI) can better help with this winter allergy to match.

Symptoms intensified in the winter

Indoor allergies are a year-round problem, but you’ll find them indoors winter You notice it more because you’re spending more time at home.

Because the weather is cooler, you’ll also likely keep your doors and windows closed to keep out the cold. With this, you can also lock out allergens in the house, recycle room air and all Allergens.

You don’t have to accept inner allergies as an inevitable wintertime reality. as follows Tips ACAAI allows you to be proactive and take control of your winter allergies.

Clean regularly

This may seem like a simple solution, but cleaning your apartment or house is one of the easiest ways to deal with winter allergies Inside Dust, mold, pet dander, and dust mites can hide anywhere and cause sneezing, coughing, and a stuffy nose.

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To limit your exposure to allergens indoors, keep a regular one schedule cancellation a. Clean and vacuum frequently, especially under and behind furniture where allergens can easily collect.

wipe up countertop and other surfaces you use frequently. Wipe down Christmas decorations during the holidays, especially if you store them in areas prone to dust and mold.

Reduce allergens from pets

It can be hard to express your love to your love Pets and for balancing indoor allergy management. Just like you, your pets are spending more time indoors, which increases their exposure to pet hair and saliva.

While you may enjoy sitting with your pets before bed, letting pets out of bed helps treat allergies you may have at night that can disturb your sleep. Bedrooms stay away. Keep your bedroom door closed during the day so your furry roommates aren’t tempted to come in.

When you pet your cat or dog, be sure to to wash hands, so as not to accidentally touch your face and provoke allergies. Finally, remember to groom your pets regularly to reduce airborne allergens.

Protect your mattress from dust mites

According to the ACAAI, they survive and reproduce House dust mites In warm, humid places it is usually found in pillows, mattresses, carpets, and upholstered furniture. Even if your home is visibly clean, dust mite allergy-causing particles are too small to see.

Use anti-mite cloud covers on your mattress and pillows to limit your exposure to dust mites. Wash and change sheets, blankets, and other linens every week Hot waterTo clean remaining dust mite droppings.

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Find and prevent indoor mold

Many templates are not visible to the naked eye Mold spores It can cause allergic reactions when flying. Because mold can grow in the basement, bathroom, under the sink, and anywhere with running water, it can be difficult to avoid these allergens.

If I doubt you musty Indoors, it is best to consult a professional who can find and eliminate mold in your home.

Also, be sure to reduce humidity in bathrooms and kitchens. if it was Humidity control Problem, consider a dehumidifier.

Seek medical help

Consulting with an allergist is the best way to deal with winter indoor allergies to get to know and treat it.

“Allergists are the best trained medical professionals in this treatment allergy and asthma”says d. Kathleen May, ACAAI President.

After the consultation, they can perform tests to determine your allergies diagnosis and identify possible causes. An allergist can also prescribe antihistamines and other allergy treatments to relieve your allergy symptoms.

Get a better handle on your home’s allergies this winter with these five tips to help you enjoy the warmer, colder months Allergy free To be able to have fun. (ad)

Author and source information

This text complies with the requirements of specialized medical literature, medical guidelines, and current studies and has been validated by medical professionals.

important note:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.