July 27, 2024

Vladimir Putin shows off his flabby arm in Iran

Vladimir Putin shows off his flabby arm in Iran

Rumors about the health of Vladimir Putin do not stop. Pictures in Tehran show the Kremlin chief limping with his arm lame.

The basics in brief

  • In Tehran, Putin disembarked with his arm limp.
  • So there has been renewed speculation about the health of the 69-year-old Kremlin chief.

Once again, Vladimir Putin grabbed international headlines with a peculiar performance. On arrival in Tehran Vladimir Putin walked the red carpet limping. In addition, his right arm was hanging softly.

The corresponding recording has been made Twitter lightly joint. Putin can be seen there getting off his plane. While his right arm is completely loose, he swings his left arm profusely.

Immediately, the health of the Russian president was bewildered again – the big question: “What’s wrong with Putin’s right arm?” The short clip should fuel speculation about Putin’s illness once again.

There has been speculation for weeks The 69-year-old is seriously ill. In the media it was already from cancerdementia, Parkinson’s disease or even a stroke.

Do you think Vladimir Putin is sick?

subordinate Kremlin He himself has repeatedly denied any rumors and stated that President Putin is “in good health”. But it is not the first time that Putin’s public appearance has sparked speculation about his condition.

the last one was Kremlin-Guide observed several times How do I shiver in public? Sometimes he had to hold on to things, and he looked puffy and even puffy.

More on this topic:

Twitter The Kremlin Cancer Vladimir Putin

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