July 27, 2024

Video goes viral: Waitress receives a ,000 tip and is fired

Video goes viral: Waitress receives a $10,000 tip and is fired

A waitress in Michigan received a massive $10,000 tip on a $32 check.

Screenshot of a TikTok post

A waitress who received a $10,000 tip at a Michigan restaurant was fired after a week. News spreads quickly.

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  • A restaurant in the US state of Michigan fired a waitress a few days after she received a $10,000 tip from a customer.
  • The restaurant owner denies any connection, and the reason for the dismissal was not revealed.
  • The online community discusses lively.

A restaurant in Michigan reported in a now-deleted Facebook post that a waitress received a massive $10,000 tip on a check for $32. So the tip was shared nine times with other employees.

A week later, rumors began spreading on social media that the same restaurant had fired the waitress. The restaurant confirmed the news in a Facebook post and denied that the package had anything to do with tips. No reason was given “due to occupational health and safety laws.”

As a result, comments on the post pile up on social media. “When she got the tip you had nothing but good things to say about her and now you fire her,” one woman wrote. Another commenter: “It doesn't make sense to fire her days after receiving this advice. “I know there are two sides to every story, but maybe this is just a super coincidence.”

Former employee Lindsay Boyd says in a TikTok post that the attention after the tipping episode became too much for her to handle. She ended her shift early to process the overwhelming emotions. Then her bosses asked her to take another day off. When she came to work the next day, she was told she was no longer needed. Boyd says the experience wasn't worth it: “I would have preferred the whole thing not happened at all.”

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