July 27, 2024

UK backs suspending Russia from SWIFT – RT EN

UK backs suspending Russia from SWIFT – RT EN

January 24. 2022 at 11:25

It is reported that the British authorities are considering suspending Russia’s membership in the international payments system SWIFT. They point to a possible military conflict that could erupt between Russia and Ukraine.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has “concerned that some leaders have failed to assess the deteriorating situation on the Ukrainian border or the dangers posed by an authoritarian Russia.” books telegraph Citing sources close to the prime minister.

In recent months, many Western media and many American officials have spread speculations about an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine. Washington and its allies threaten the Kremlin with a new round of “crippling” sanctions if that happens. They cited the movement of Russian forces into the country’s vast western territories as evidence of this plan. Moscow has consistently denied these allegations, saying that Russia has the right to conduct military exercises within its borders as it sees fit.

According to the British prime minister, possible sanctions cannot be ruled out over the much-discussed Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which is aimed at increasing gas supplies to troubled European countries, and is currently stuck in a lengthy approval process from the European Union.

Reportedly, Johnson will hold talks with G7 leaders to create a so-called sanctions coalition to impose targeted measures against Russia.

Earlier this week mentioned BloombergBritish Foreign Office officials were ordered to enter “crisis mode” at very short notice amid “growing concerns that Russian aggression against Ukraine could escalate into conflict”. This means that officials and diplomats will focus their work on the UK’s response to any further escalation of tension, including deterrence and sanctions.

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On Saturday, the Foreign Office in London made the gruesome claim that Moscow was planning to “install a pro-Russian leader in Kiev while it contemplates the invasion and occupation of Ukraine”. The Russian Foreign Ministry rejected this claim and called on the UK to stop spreading nonsense and disinformation.

It is said that the idea of ​​separating Russia from the SWIFT banking network was seen as one option to punish Russia in the event of a military attack. Handelsblatt reported earlier this week, citing sources familiar with the matter, that US and EU politicians rejected the option. This action could reportedly destabilize financial markets in the short term and develop an alternative payment infrastructure in the medium term.

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