July 27, 2024

This campaign gives you an insight into the future of science and technology

This campaign gives you an insight into the future of science and technology

Saxony – Saxony has always been a pioneer and driving force for scientific innovations throughout Germany.

In order to demonstrate the enormous diversity, attractiveness and excellence of Saxony as a research location SPIN2030 Launched by the Saxon Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWK).

We have details about the campaign and events.

Experience Saxony, a scientific state, up close with SPIN2030

SPIN2030 gives you insight into the future of science and technology. © Ben Jeridi

The Free State of Saxony is investing an above-average amount in research and universities in order to secure and expand Saxony's leading position in research in the long term.

With the campaign SPIN2030 SMWK wants to make the structures and features of the Country of Science, as well as the excellent research results of its institutions, tangible at national and international level.

For this purpose, and within the framework of SPIN2030 Many events, social media attacks, lectures and much more are organized throughout the state of Saxony.

These events include, among others All colleges and universities in Saxony Who proudly present their most innovative research projects.

As a particular highlight there In January 2024 Series of events “Saxony's experience as a scientific country” With four events in which different regions of Saxony present different scientific topics and institutions.

You can try it with SPIN2030

With SPIN2030, you can experience robotics research projects first hand. © Ben Jeridi

With different Events and conferences do that SPIN2030 Saxony, the country of science, can be experienced by anyone who cares.

This is how you can In the 10. January Immerse yourself in the world of the universe with the presentation of the German Center for Astrophysics and even meet the Minister of Science personally.

Anyone interested in the topic of artificial intelligence should join the conversation On January 11th Definitely don't miss it.

On January 17th Chemistry comes to life. Through amazing experiments and entertaining shows, you can experience the chemistry of the future up close.

A special educational and entertaining experience awaits you January 24. Promising research projects from TU Bergakademie Freiberg are presented here and their practical relevance is verified.

Really cool: As a special guest of honor you can on January 24th Michael Hatzius In his role as “lizard” Experience who will be running the event that evening.

Get a first impression of SPIN2030

Saxony's experience as a scientific country: all events at a glance

January 10 – From Saxony to the Universe
when?: From 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
where?: Jednota Multi-Purpose Hall, Krostwitz

January 11 – Additional Controversial Dialogue: Artificial Intelligence
when?: From 6:30 pm to 8 pm
where?: University of Metoida, Center for Media and Social Action

January 17 – Chemistry of the Future
when?: From 6:30 pm to 9 pm
where?: Delitzsch Community Center

January 24 – The “lizard” gets smart
when?: From 7 pm to 9 pm
where?: Tivoli Freiberg


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