July 27, 2024

The US Senate confirms the presence of the US ambassador in Switzerland

The US Senate confirms the presence of the US ambassador in Switzerland

On Saturday, the US Senate approved the appointment of Scott Miller Confirmed US ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Philanthropist and LGBTQ+ activist will fill the position that has been vacant since January in Bern.

President Joe Biden had nominated Miller again in August, but it was not until Saturday that a House of Lords vote endorsed the appointment of the Denver, Colorado-born business economist. It is not yet known when the credentials will be delivered to the Federal Council.

The 41-year-old Miller is an LGBT activist and philanthropist, according to the White House. Along with his husband Tim Grill, he advocates for equal rights for the LGBTQ community in the USA. Miller in his home state of Colorado is committed to promoting equal opportunity in education. During the coronavirus pandemic, maintain a safe diet with more than 5.6 million meals in Colorado.

The last US ambassador to Bern, Edward McMullen, worked in the capital for three years. Donald Trump’s political advisor and store administrator left Bern earlier this year and returned to South Carolina.


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