July 27, 2024

The relationship between Switzerland and the European Union – Ignazio Cassis asks for advice – News

The relationship between Switzerland and the European Union – Ignazio Cassis asks for advice – News

  • In the evening, Federal President Ignazio Cassis met with representatives of business, science and civil society.
  • This was the second meeting of its kind in which Cassis exchanged views with representatives on European policy.

The Federal Foreign Office (FDFA) said the aim of the talks in Bern was an open discussion of civil society proposals regarding Switzerland’s relationship with the EU.

This event complements the exchange with Parliament and the cantons, the FDFA continued. The first such meeting took place already in mid-November.

Waiting for the next step by the Federal Council

On January 12 this year, the Federal Council held a discussion on how to move forward in the relationship between Switzerland and the European Union. President Ignacio Cassis asserted at the time that he had been tasked with “preparing the so-called Swiss agenda”.

“In one of its upcoming meetings”, Federal Council spokesman Andre Simonazi said the Federal Council will work to deepen the issue. The EU has been waiting for a proposal from Switzerland since negotiations on the Institutional Framework Agreement stalled at the end of May – then Bern left the negotiating table.

A meeting with EU Vice-President Maros Sefcovic is planned at the postponed World Economic Forum in Davos. A new date is not yet known.

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