July 27, 2024

The funniest highway warning signs in the USA

The funniest highway warning signs in the USA

Joke over! In the USA, highway warnings will now no longer be allowed to contain puns or humor. Compassion.

Oliver Baroni

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It's About Time: US Highway Patrol Federal Highway Administration The laughter is gone. The latest published guidance on motorway road safety information states: “Warning signs should avoid language that uses popular culture references or humour.”

You know – things like this:

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs, New Jersey Department of Transportation

Photo: New Jersey Department of Transportation

cursed. A government agency like this can really prevent you from having any fun at all! You're not even allowed to smile at a clumsy joke while sitting in a traffic jam.

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs, New Jersey Department of Transportation

Photo: New Jersey Department of Transportation

Reason: These warning messages appear to be intended to have a distracting effect. In fact, the funny information boards, as intended, will not only contribute to improving highway safety, but will actually increase the risk of accidents, as many drivers appear to be taking out their mobile phones to take a photo as they drive past.

This claim stands 2020 Virginia Department of Transportation Study The opposite, which seems to prove that funny signs attract more cognitive attention than traditional (read: boring) safety signs. The federal agency's response claims that's exactly the problem. Such signs are often confusing – especially for people who do not understand the potential references, distracting them from the driving process.

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Mississippi Department of Transportation

In other words, the feds think you're stupid.

However, this is a done deal at the federal level, As confirmed by various sources. The states in question have two years to implement all changes in the new guidelines — including removing the funny warning labels, … what Now that's reason enough to take a look at some of the classics:

Fasten seat belts!

And: Camping in nature, not on the left path!

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Missouri Department of Transportation

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Nevada Department of Transportation

Well, the thing about using the turn signal…

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Iowa Department of Transportation

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Utah Department of Transportation

An electronic highway sign appears on Interstate 93 in Boston, Friday, May 9, 2014. Massachusetts Circuit.  The Ministry of Transport published the letter "Change course?  Use Yah Blink"  On the mark...

Photo: AP

…There are quite a few of them.

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: New Jersey Department of Transportation

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: New Jersey Department of Transportation

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs, New Jersey Department of Transportation

Photo: New Jersey Department of Transportation

Here's a warning sign on Valentine's Day:

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Nevada Department of Transportation

Here's one on Thanksgiving:

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Ohio Department of Transportation

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Mississippi Department of Transportation

You are the problem.

Funny Highway Signs, Highway Warning Signs, Iowa Department of Transportation https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR =T# -1 ...

Photo: Ohio Department of Transportation

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: New Jersey Department of Transportation

Funny Traffic Signs, Highway Warning Signs https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR=T#-16

Photo: Mississippi Department of Transportation

Oh, classic!

Funny Road Signs https://www.defensivedriving.org/dmv-handbook/29-unusual-road-signs/

Photo: defensedriving.org

Funny Highway Signs, Highway Warning Signs, Iowa Department of Transportation https://www.businessinsider.com/funny-highway-signs-messages-safety-federal-scrutiny-new-jersey-2023-2?r=US&IR =T# -1 ...

Photo: Iowa Department of Transportation


There are no highway information signs, but there are warning signs from all over the world: Have fun!

Funny traffic lights, aliens, cows, aliens

Image: Shutterstock

Funny Road Signs https://www.defensivedriving.org/dmv-handbook/29-unusual-road-signs/

Photo: defensedriving.org

Funny traffic lights always avoid accidents

Image: Shutterstock

Funny traffic lights, annoying people

Image: Shutterstock

Funny Road Signs https://www.defensivedriving.org/dmv-handbook/29-unusual-road-signs/

Photo: defensedriving.org

Seen in Florez - Funny Road Signs https://parade.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_700/MTk5NjY2OTA5Nzk5NTIzNDMx/funny-road-sign-in-italy.webp

Image: parade

Funny traffic signs in English

Image: Shutterstock

Funny Road Signs https://www.defensivedriving.org/dmv-handbook/29-unusual-road-signs/

Photo: defensedriving.org

Funny traffic signs smile please nepal

Image: Shutterstock

Funny Road Signs https://www.defensivedriving.org/dmv-handbook/29-unusual-road-signs/

Photo: defensedriving.org

Funny traffic lights giant mosquito insect

Image: Shutterstock

Funny traffic lights don quixote

Image: Shutterstock

Funny traffic signs googly eyes

Image: Shutterstock

Well, okay, that's not a funny sign per se, but it's more proof that everything, absolutely everything, can be improved by adding Google Eyes.

The highway becomes a farm

Video: CRF

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