July 27, 2024

The family supports Thomas Gottschalk

The family supports Thomas Gottschalk

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Thomas Gottschalk will celebrate his farewell “Wetten, das?” on November 25, 2023. In addition to his guests, some family members also came to support him.

Offenburg – Everyone wants to be there. Thomas Gottschalk (73 years old) invites you to “Wetten,dass..?” For the last time on November 25, 2023. After that, the TV star no longer wanted to supervise the popular ZDF program. Tickets for the big event have been sold out for months. However, Thomas Gottschalk has reserved some seats for his family because his loved ones want to be there to support him on the special evening.

Final version of “Wetten,dass..?”: These family members support Thomas Gottschalk

In advance, Thomas Gottschalk received a lot of flak for “Wetten,dass..?” – At least from the international stars. The reason: American celebrities didn’t want to arrive on Thanksgiving weekend. But the superintendent can look forward to many German and British guests. His closest circle is also there and follows events closely.

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When the presenter receives minutes of applause at the beginning, cameras snap photos from the best seats. There you can see, among others, Karina Mross – Gottschalk’s partner – applauding. Their daughter Melinda also came, clapping from ear to ear. While Kareena wore a dark striped two-piece with a bright tie, her daughter chose light colors and a dress.

Gottschalk’s sister Rafaela Ackermann and her daughter Julia also traveled to support their brother and uncle. Both women wear simple blue and black dresses.

Thomas Gottschalk is supported by his film partner and daughter
Thomas Gottschalk’s sister Rafaela Ackermann and her daughter Julia are also on site to support the mediator in “Wetten,dass..?”. © Screenshot: “Wetten, das..?”/ZDF

The craziest bets on “Wetten, dass..?”

Since the first episode of the series “Wetten,dass..?” Hitting screens on February 14, 1981, the TV studio became the setting for some bizarre and astonishing bets. In 1988, Thomas Rautenberg claimed he could tell the color of crayons by smelling them, and he succeeded – which is, of course, a complete cheat. In 1997, Niko Haddad extinguished a burning shack using only blown air and five liters of water. In 2007, Gerhard Dhoni was able to put up 20 pins by throwing them on the backs of 10 men. The final episode of the fan-favorite show is likely to showcase several exciting betting projects once again.

source: Ourding.de

Did not come: That’s why Thomas Gottschalk’s sons missed the final of “Wetten,dass..?”

According to information received from picturenewspaper, some of Thomas Gottschalk’s close friends are also in the audience and can experience the show in Offenburg up close. However, his sons Roman, 41, and Tristan, 34, and their families are said to have remained in the United States. Reason: They also celebrate Thanksgiving there, which is very important in the United States. The presenter’s ex-partner, Thea Gottschalk (77), is also said to be there with her children.

Thomas Gottschalk is supported by his film partner and daughter
Thomas Gottschalk is supported by his partner and her daughter in the film “Wetten,dass..?”. © Screenshot: “Wetten, das..?”/ZDF

It can only be guessed whether the rest of the family was watching TV. But what is clear is that Roman Gottschalk currently has ambitions to start working on television. Can the 41-year-old take on the legacy of Thomas Gottschalk’s “Wetten, dass…?” At some point? Sources used: “Witten Das”?/ZDF (Episode dated 25 November 2023), bild.de

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