July 27, 2024

Study Shows: Untapped Social Trading Potential |  OnlineMarketing.de

Study Shows: Untapped Social Trading Potential | OnlineMarketing.de

An Agorapulse analysis of Facebook and Instagram posts shows that German retail companies are not tapping into the potential of social commerce.

Despite the ongoing social commerce boom, marketing budgets often don’t flow into the right formats and channels. Especially in Germany. This is now confirmed by an international comparison. According to the Agora Plus-Analysis of 160,000 posts made in September-December 2022 German companies publish fewer posts on social media than marketers from the UK, France or the US. This inactivity could cost e-commerce companies in this country dearly. Because social commerce and on Instagram and Co. It is becoming increasingly relevant for many consumers.

According to the results of the study, DACH retailers are lazy to post

Social commerce is also growing in Germany and the majority of direct purchases take place on Facebook and Instagram. Thus these two channels have the highest relevance for online retailers. The posting behavior of e-commerce companies was examined as part of a data analysis of nearly 160,000 Facebook and Instagram posts by Agorapulse. The findings of the study provide marketing decision makers with important takeaways that can help them make data-driven decisions.

Number of Instagram and Facebook posts analyzed, © Agorapulse

Instagram and Facebook marketers must rely on these social formats

Agorapulse analysis shows that companies on social platforms are not very sensitive to trend – and thus miss out on potential opportunities. Because at the end of 2022, brands still don’t rely enough on reels – even though short videos drive a lot more interactions than other formats. Reels drive by far the most interactions in the period examined, but are rarely posted by marketers (only about ten percent). Brands prefer to post photos instead (more than 60 percent) — On Facebook, photo posts account for over 80 percent.

Average share of Facebook and Instagram post formats in the DACH region, © Agorapulse

At the end of last year, Reels generated significantly higher reach and interactions than all other types of posts. It appears that the retail companies we studied did not adequately analyze this, with 9 out of 10 posts still being published in the form of an image or video. Companies should analyze which formats work well – this is the only way to use budgets efficiently and increase your team’s ROI,

to explain Anya Oliveri, Regional Manager DACH in Agorapulse. Companies from the DACH region also seem to have high hopes for hashtags, but interactions are rarely affected positively – and sometimes negatively. Because on Instagram, hashtags in posts lead to greater reach; But the opposite seems to be the case on Facebook.

You can find more study ideas on the Agorapulse website.

New Commerce and the Digital Bash combine strength in events and put together an outstanding program. One morning it’s all about social commerce, user generated content, ChatGPT and the latest trends in ecommerce.

Double event power:
This is New Commerce x Digital Bash