July 27, 2024

Sports facilities in Berlin are largely heated by gas – dpa

Sports facilities in Berlin are largely heated by gas – dpa

BErlin sports facilities are heated mainly by gas. According to a response from the internal and sports administration to a request from the Green Group, the percentage is close to two-thirds. According to this, gas is used in 64 percent of the 236 registered sports facilities – school sports halls and swimming pools are not included. In other cases, it is district heating, in which gas is also used most often. The Tagspiegel news bulletin “Checkpoint” (Thursday) had reported this earlier.

According to the Senate administration, a number of energy-saving options are already being used. These include installing solar energy systems on roofs, upgrading heating systems, turning off hot water in wash basins or increasing the use of heat pumps in the long term. At the discretion of the internal and athletic management, all of these actions can save six to ten percent of energy.

Green Party MP Clara Shedlich, who made the request, demanded more speed from the Senate Department for the Interior, Sports and Urban Development in expanding renewable energies and energy renewal, especially state-owned buildings. The measures planned by the Senate to save energy are not enough.

Shedlich spoke in favor of more solar systems on the rooftops of gyms, for an active refurbishment of all halls where this was necessary, and for a switch to solar and LED lights for floodlighting systems. “Losing sports performances due to the closure of sports facilities should not be an option,” the deputy said.

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