July 27, 2024

Science – a small robot in the form of a small crab – knowledge

Science – a small robot in the form of a small crab – knowledge

Science:Small robot in the shape of a small crab

Tiny robot, smaller than a flea: Researchers in the US have built the smallest remote-controlled robot to date. Photo: Northwestern University/Eureka/dpa (Photo: dpa)

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NEW YORK (AP) – Researchers in the US say they have developed the smallest remote-controlled robot to date – in the form of a baby crab.

The robot crabs, which are about half a millimeter wide, are smaller than a flea and can run, jump, bend and turn, scientists at Northwestern University in the US state of Illinois said. Scientists have also developed small robots in the form of worms and beetles, among other things.

So far, the findings, which were published in the journal Science Robotics, have revolved primarily around research questions, according to the scientists. Accordingly, such small robots can take on the work in the narrow and small spaces inaccessible to humans in the future.

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