July 27, 2024

River in Canada obtains personal rights for the first time

River in Canada obtains personal rights for the first time

The decision gives the river nine rights and potential protectors who are primarily responsible for ensuring that its rights are respected. This is the first case of its kind in Canada.

This declaration was made in cooperation with the International Observatory of Natural Rights (IORN) in Montreal, Canada, which developed the decisions in cooperation with the Alliance. The two decisions, each of more than ten pages long and full of references, are based on several legal foundations in Canadian and international law and are intended to ensure the river is protected.

Commitment to the rights of nature
This initiative is part of a global movement that is particularly active in New Zealand, the United States of America and Ecuador, in defense of the rights of nature.

Rivière Magpie (Muteshekau-shipu in the Innu language) is a world known river with a length of approximately 300 km. The river is known worldwide for its white water rapids and expeditions. The famous National Geographic magazine has made a major contribution to this, ranking it among the ten best rivers in the world for whitewater rafting.

The river’s protection has received regional consensus, but the plan to designate it as a protected area has been thwarted for years by the state-owned electricity company, Hydro-Québec, due to the hydropower potential of the waterway.

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