July 27, 2024

RESTART 3.0: The ceremony provided valuable data for science – HalleSpektrum.de

RESTART 3.0: The ceremony provided valuable data for science – HalleSpektrum.de

A full hall, a lively atmosphere and a lot of valuable data for science are the result of RESTART 3.0. It is the third part of a series of RESTART studies at the University of Halle Medicine, which has been investigating the risk of infection at major events during times of pandemic since 2020.

The study leader and infectious disease scientist Dr. Stefan Moritz during his welcome on stage. Next time we want to be better prepared. The RESTART studies aim to show what needs to be done to make concerts and other events possible even during the pandemic.

According to the previous sub-studies, important missing data on audience behavior at the standing concerts should be collected on 26 February 2024 during the Prinzen concert in the Steintor Varieté. For this purpose, 1,300 people received so-called tracers. Small devices record movements anonymously. No further precautions were needed. The audience was able to enjoy the evening of the concert and support science at the same time. The princes also made an important contribution to the research project with their appearance. “If you care today about what could happen tomorrow, we're there,” said singer Sebastian Crombiegel.

The concert itself was a complete success. In a sold-out Steintor variety show, the Princes performed old songs and new songs and the delighted audience was confident in their words and happy to dance. After more than two hours of live music, much applause and widespread applause, the event ended with visitors handing over their traces. The real work begins now for the Halle University Medical Center team: reading and analyzing the data.

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The study is funded by the Ministry of Science, Energy, Climate Protection and the Environment of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

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