July 27, 2024

Putin will turn innocent cities into ruins

Putin will turn innocent cities into ruins

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson expects the Russian armed forces in Ukraine to be more aggressive in the future.

The basics in brief

  • The British prime minister fears the Russian military will take more aggressive action.

Johnson told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper that Russian President Vladimir “will face even more difficulty now because he sees no way out of the impasse but the destruction, rubble and ashes of innocent European cities.”

The prime minister assumes that Putin will eventually fail. “A miscalculation of the Ukrainian reaction makes it impossible for him to turn this hideous adventure into a business success for himself,” Johnson said.

He also ruled out imposing a no-fly zone over Ukraine: the consequences would be “the downing of Russian planes. It depends on the logic of confrontation.”

In light of the Russian attack on the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, the head of the British government called on the international authorities to secure the Ukrainian nuclear plants. “The regime to protect these facilities, where levels of radioactivity are monitored by international agencies like the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency, is very important,” Johnson said. Russia should be made to cooperate on this point.

The British Prime Minister emphasized that the Russian invasion of Ukraine now demonstrates the unity of the European Union and the United Kingdom. “All crises show what a real relationship is. Sometimes families go through a trauma that suddenly brings back the real strength and passion of the relationship,” Johnson said. “This is what is happening now.”

Johnson was one of the main politicians behind the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, which took effect on January 31, 2020 after decades of membership.

More on this topic:

Prime Minister Boris Johnson

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