July 27, 2024

President Biden takes office, and moves quickly to implement the agenda

President Biden takes office, and moves quickly to implement the agenda

Biden inauguration speech


at 21 minutes inauguration speechPresident Biden outlined an optimistic view of the future, and called on Americans to unite around common goals.

Biden said, “This is America’s Day. This is Democracy Day.” Today we celebrate a victory not for a candidate, but for a cause. The cause of democracy. The people, the will of the people are heard, and the will of the people is listening.

Mr. Biden noted that he was installed on the Capitol building just two weeks after it was stormed by “rioting mobs”, and said the country has learned that “democracy is precious, democracy is fragile, and at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed.”

“This is a great nation. We are good people. Over the centuries, through storm and conflict, in peace and war, we have arrived so far. We still have a lot to cross. We will move forward with urgency and urgency, because we have a lot to do in this winter fraught with dangers and great possibilities.”

The president thanked “his predecessors from both parties for being here today,” despite the absence of his immediate predecessor, Mr. Trump.

Mr. Biden highlighted the struggles the country still has to overcome, including the coronavirus pandemic, domestic terrorism, white supremacy and racial injustice.

“To overcome these challenges, to restore spirit and secure the future of America, it takes more than just words. It requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy: unity. Unity.” He quoted President Abraham Lincoln, who devoted his “whole soul” to “uniting America.”

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Biden said, “Today on this day in January, my whole soul is in this: uniting America. Uniting our people. Uniting our nation. I ask every American to join me on this cause.”

Mr. Biden acknowledged that it would seem difficult to achieve unity in such a divided nation, and perhaps an implicit recognition of Republicans in Congress who objected to the Electoral College results in an attempt to cancel the elections.

Biden said, “I know that talking about loneliness can sound to some like a foolish fantasy these days. I know that the forces that divide us are deep and they are real. But I also know that they are not new.” “Politics does not have to be a raging fire that destroys everything in its path. Not every disagreement should be a cause of all-out war. We must reject the culture in which the facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.”

Mr. Biden also reached out to Mr. Trump’s supporters, urging them to “hear my voice.”

“Listen to me, as we go forward. Take a scale from me and my heart. If we still disagree, so be it. This is democracy. This is America. Perhaps the right to disagree peacefully within the barriers of our republic is the greatest of this nation.” Mr. Biden said. “But hear me clearly.” Disagreement should not lead to separation. And I pledge to you: I will be president of all Americans. All Americans. And I promise you, I fight hard for those who did not support me like those who did. “

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Mr. Biden also said he understood those who “see the future with fear and fear,” but urged Americans to try to reach out to those with whom they disagree.

“We must end this uncivilized war that pits the red color against the blue, the rural versus the urban and the conservative versus the liberal,” he said, adding that “we must put politics aside and finally face this epidemic as one nation and one nation.”

Mr. Biden sought to reassure the American public, saying “We will get through this together,” as he briefly addressed the foreign audiences watching his speech.

“America has been tested. We came out stronger for it. We will mend our alliances and deal with the world again. Not to face the challenges of yesterday, but the challenges of today and tomorrow,” said Biden.

Mr. Biden also acknowledged the loss of 400,000 Americans due to the Coronavirus pandemic, and led the audience in a “silent prayer” in honor of the victims and their families.

He said, “I promise, we will be judged – you and I – for how to solve these successive crises of our time.”

He concluded his speech with a “holy oath”, promising to defend the constitution, tell the truth and lead the people without selfishness, an implicit rebuke to Mr. Trump.

“I will remain on equal footing with you. I will defend the constitution. I will defend our democracy. I will defend America,” said Biden. “With determination and determination, we move to those tasks of our time, supported by faith, driven by faith, and dedicated to each other and to the country we love with all our hearts.”

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