July 27, 2024

Newly appointed Science, Research and Innovation Council

Newly appointed Science, Research and Innovation Council

Establishing guidelines for the promotion of science and innovation, evaluating the State's multi-year plan for research and innovation, making recommendations to promote South Tyrol as a site for international cooperation in research and technology and proposing measures to stimulate research and innovation activities in the state: these are the tasks of the Council for Science, Research and Innovation.

Today, April 23, the state government, based on the proposal of responsible state government member Philip Ashamer, reappointed the council for the duration of the new legislative period, that is, until 2028. This was stated in a statement issued by the state press office.

New council members

The new Science Council – as required by the State Law “Research and Innovation” (LG 14/2006) – includes State Governor Arno Compacher and State Councilor Philipp Aschamer, responsible for science and research. The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano will be represented on the council by Ulrike Tapener, Roland Besner the European Academy EURAC, Michael Oberhuber the Limburg Experimental Center for Agriculture and Forestry, Ulrich Stoffner the NOI Techpark, and Irmgard Lanchner the Economic Development Institute of the Bosen Chamber. Trade and Maria Elena Yarossi of the Employment Promotion Institute.

Working outside the borders of South Tyrol

According to the statement, the council will include Vinicio Biasi, Astrid Weiss, Katherine Pichler, and Riccardo Valetti from the economic organizations, and the trade union organizations will also be represented by Nicola De Giorgi and Sonia Gantioler. Dominik Oberstaller and Martina Lanchner will be members of the committee of the Federation of South Tyrol Municipalities. The state government finally appointed the Rector of the University of Innsbruck, Veronica Sexel, the Rector of the University of Trento, Flavio Deflorian, and the Directors of the European Department Martha Garber and Georg Mutschleckner to the Council as experts.

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“In the new Science Council, many competent and experienced experts are working together beyond the borders of South Tyrol to further develop research and innovation in South Tyrol,” emphasizes District Councilor Aschammer.