July 27, 2024

Li Keqiang Sends Congratulatory Letter to the WIPO Global Innovation Index Conference 2022

Li Keqiang Sends Congratulatory Letter to the WIPO Global Innovation Index Conference 2022

On Thursday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sent a congratulatory message to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) conference on the 2022 Global Innovation Index.

In it, Li Keqiang wrote that China attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation and actively participates in the global innovation network. In this sense, intellectual property is strictly protected. In addition, international cooperation in this aspect will be comprehensively strengthened.

Meanwhile, China has made great progress in terms of scientific and technological strength and innovation capacity. In the future, China will continue to expand international contacts and cooperation with a more open attitude, and deeply participate in global science and technology management. Li Keqiang said that China will continue to maintain friendly cooperation with WIPO and jointly establish open, comprehensive, balanced and efficient international intellectual property rules.

China rose to 11th place in the 2022 Global Innovation Index from 12th place last year. WIPO announced this on Thursday.

Switzerland, the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands ranked in the top five, according to a WIPO report.

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