July 27, 2024

Javier Miley as a rock star – the Argentine president gives a concert

Javier Miley as a rock star – the Argentine president gives a concert

Video: Watson/Lucas Zollinger

What was already announced during the presentation of his new book, “Capitalism, Socialism, and the Neoclassical Trap,” turned into a veritable rock ‘n’ roll concert on Wednesday. Javier Miley “felt like singing.” In Buenos Aires, the Argentine president appeared before thousands of supporters wearing a leather coat and tousled hair – and “declared himself their king”:

Video: Watson/Lucas Zollinger

The event was free and was held at Luna Park, which can accommodate up to 8,000 people. Before Miley, there were greats like Frank Sinatra, Duran Duran and Aha on stage, As reported by The Guardian newspaper. The 53-year-old is also interested in music; As a teenager, he was the leader of the Rolling Stones’ Everest Band, and is said to be a fan of opera composer Giuseppe Verdi.

He quarreled with a rock band

However, the band La Renga, whose song “Panic Show” he covered that evening (and which he has been using at his campaign rallies for years), didn’t seem to be his biggest fans. The band distances itself from Miley’s liberal politics She has already asked not to use her work. However, the eccentric politician doesn’t seem to care. Instead, he prefers to change the text so that it better reflects his message: “I am the king. I will eat the elite for breakfast.”

An event that Argentina had never witnessed before

La Nacion newspaper said the “extremely extravagant event” organized by Miley was unlike anything Argentina had seen before, “especially in times of crisis… [wirtschaftlichen] “It was a two-hour pagan mass celebrated by an ecstatic president,” the paper said of the show, which will help cement Miley’s growing international reputation as what Time magazine recently called “the world’s most eccentric head of state.” It will also boost his status as a member Prominent on the global hard right alongside Donald Trump, former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, according to The Guardian.

But critics say the “clearly unpresidential” idea will do little to solve problems such as growing poverty, unemployment and one of the highest inflation rates in the world. Argentina is currently suffering from its worst economic crisis in two decades – a situation that Miley pledged to address after his election last November. However, six months after he took office, three out of five citizens still live in poverty, and the annual inflation rate has risen to nearly 300%, higher than in Syria, Lebanon and Venezuela. However, monthly inflation has slowed somewhat in recent months. (LZO)

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Source: x00175 / © Reuters Photographer / Reuters

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